Professional Hand Painted Of Your Ordinary Photo To High End Oil Painting Portrait That Will Be Valued & Cherished For Generations.
Terms and Condition
Terms and Conditions:
THEOILPAINTINGPORTRAIT.COM’s Policy Regarding Copyrighted Works:
Customers are both responsible and liable for the images they upload. One must have the appropriate permission or the copyright to request a painting from the photo they upload. The copyright owner of a photograph (usually the person who took the photograph) is typically the only person that can make a "derivative work", such as an oil painting based on that photograph.
Prohibited Photos:
Although THEOILPAINTINGPORTRAIT.COM is unable to control all of the images that our customers upload to the website, we can and will refuse to make a painting from any photo that might harm or offend individuals of other religions, races, etc. Again, customers are both responsible and liable for the images they upload.
We are committed to your privacy:
THEOILPAINTINGPORTRAIT.COM will keep all the information that our customers provide about themselves private and confidential, and will not share it with any third party (except to the extent needed to complete the order). All payments are made on the PayPal or via our secured payment GATEWAY. Security and privacy for our customers are our top priorities.
Changes to Terms and Conditions:
THEOILPAINTINGPORTRAIT.COM reserves the right to change, add or remove any portion of these terms and conditions of use, in whole or in part, at any time. Changes in the terms and conditions of use will be effective when posted. You agree to review these terms and conditions of use periodically to make yourself aware of any changes. Your continued use of this website after any changes to these terms and conditions of use are considered acceptance of those changes.
Right to Advertise.
We reserved the right to use what we produced (your painting) and the photos you submitted to as a part of our portfolio. We will remove it as soon as possible upon your written request.
Return Policy
You have up to 24 hours to cancel your order. Once it's submitted to painting, the deposit you made is Non-Refundable. Once you agreed for us to ship your painting, the final payment you made is Non-Refundable unless stated otherwise.
Returned Merchandise
All returned merchandises must be accompanied with an authorization code that you can obtain with our office by calling our toll free number or contact us via this website. We will correct or repaint your painting free of charge. You must paid for shipping and handling.
We accept

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